The first MakeMyFuture Multiplier Event in Italy was organised by Learnable in cooperation with Assindustria Consulting srl and Polo3 Fano. The event was held on 16 December at Via Tommaso Campanella, no. 1 in Fano and it lasted around 2 hours.
The event was aimed at students of the vocational training course in CAD/CAM technician in the woodworking sector and their teachers. Around 25 participants attended the event.
During the first part of the morning, Learnable presented the context within which the MakeMyFuture project was created, explaining to the participants the methodology based on making, and the need to realign the vocational training system to the requirements of Industry 4.0.
Afterward, Giulio Gabbianelli (Learnable) gave the main information on the project, duration, consortium, aims and expected results.
He then focused on the first project result developed (MakeMyFuture Competence Framework), presenting the content of the document and its aims to the participants.

A QA session was organised to give participants the opportunity to explore the topics of their interest in more depth.
At the end of the event, the project leaflet with all the main information was distributed.
The event was highly appreciated by the students and the teachers, who showed interest in the topic and gained knowledge about the making methodology on which the project is based.
Many of the participants also expressed a willingness to participate in the planned testing phase to help improve the results produced.