The first steps in creating the Competence Framework

The first result of the MakeMyFuture project is the Competence Framework based on ECVET and EQF descriptors that will define different profiles according to the areas identified by the partners as relevant for Industry 4.0.

The partnership has already carried out two of the tasks for the creation of the Competence Framework.

In particular, a desk analysis was carried out in each partner country with the aim of selecting and analysing the profiles and skills needed for Industry 4.0 through curricular and educational pathways.

After this phase, Learnable as the leader of this output created an online questionnaire that was submitted to 15 companies or Industry 4.0 experts in each partner country to select the common and most important competences.

Already next week, the results collected during the questionnaires will be analysed and 5 interviews with companies or experts in the Industry 4.0 and/or VET sector will be organised in each partner country to validate the results.

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