The third transnational project meeting was successfully held in Málaga (Spain) on 26-27 October 2023, hosted by the Málaga TechPark in collaboration with IES Martin de Aldehuela.
All project partners from 5 different countries (Spain, Germany, Malta, Italy and Poland) attended the two-day meeting with at least 2 staff members per organisation. A total of 20 participants were involved.
During the various sessions, participants had the opportunity to discuss the results achieved so far and the activities planned by the end of the project.
Special attention has been given to sharing partner experiences during the testing of project results and to discussing the project’s sustainability.

During the second day, IES Martin de Aldehuela invited all partners to visit the workshops the school organised, which used 3D Printing, Laser cutting, and maker tools.

If you would like to stay updated on the project results, please contact us and consult this website or the other project communication channels at the following links:
Moreover, you can join our Community of Practice where people with similar interests from Europe and beyond can be part of and exchange ideas, resources, and good practices related to the topics of the project.