MakeMyFuture – Improving Digital Competences for Advanced Manufacturing Industries through Maker Education is a Cooperation partnership in vocational education and training sector (KA220-VET) funded under the Erasmus+ programme.
The emerging Maker Movement can support students in acquiring advanced digital competences needed by Industry 4.0. The maker activities are based on the same technologies used in the advanced manufacturing industries and the European Fab Labs should be used as testbeds for developing VET curricula focused on those digital competences (EC, Curriculum Guidelines for Key Enabling Technologies and Advanced Manufacturing Technologies 2019). Digital practices (3d printing, CNC machinery, 3D, etc.) promoted by Making movement in the last years are demonstrating to upskill young people with those digital competences, helping them access formal employment (and self-employment) opportunities. Thus, the project aims at supporting VET teachers in implementing maker-based activities for providing VET students with advanced digital competences, in line with the changes of Industry 4.0. The project aims at increasing the employability of VET students and synergies with advanced manufacturing companies.
Assindustria Consulting Ltd., the utility company 100% owned by Confindustria Pesaro Urbino, a young and dynamic company founded with the purpose of providing additional services required by business associates. The main objective is to ensure personalized service, highly qualified and cost-effective. Confindustria Pesaro Urbino is a voluntary association of enterprises operating in the province of Pesaro and Urbino Pesaro since 1945. Its main task is to affirm the values of entrepreneurship in an organic way towards the local public administration, the Trade Unions and other associations as sole interlocutor and representative.It offers different services, some of them are: Human Resources Management; Payroll Management and Administration; Quality; Safety in the workplace; Confindustria Job- Search and selection of personnel; Planning and organization of training courses; Economy and Tax Services, Environmental Consulting, Consulting for internationalization , etc…
Learnable is a community of experts working for years on the development of innovative educational practices. Learnable focuses to support European learners in acquiring soft and
hard competencies that enable people to achieve their goals both in their work and life. Learnable is active in different sectors such as adult education, VET education, schools and higher education, promoting innovative educational
methodologies in different fields such as digital innovation, inclusion, linguistic skills, green economy and
entrepreneurship. The community seeks innovative solutions in order to make education accessible and inclusive. Learnable supports the implementation of innovative educational methodologies aimed at
enhancing the quality of the training offer and supporting school-to-work transition and employability of the learners.
Malaga TechPark (Technology Park of Andalucía) is a global benchmark and one of the leading science and technology parks in Europe. Within more than thirty years, the park has become a point of international reference in terms of science and technology parks where the Information Technologies and Energy sectors dominate, both in Research and Development, and the manufacture of equipment and services, with an innovative and environmentally friendly approach. With over 630 businesses (large corporations, SMEs and startups), and a number of key agents in the Andalusian knowledge system, such as the University and its research groups and several technology centres, over 20,000 employees, an area of 186 hectares with an expansion project in progress, Malaga TechPark is a leading innovation hub, focused on the generation and transfer of technology, innovation and economic development in Andalusia.
Established in 2001, the Malta College of Arts, Science and Technology is the country’s leading vocational education and training institution. Six Institutes in Malta and the Gozo Campus, MCAST offers 180 full-time and over 300 part-time vocational courses ranging from certificates to Master’s degrees (MQF Level 1 to Level 7).
For over 70 years the Pedagogical University of Krakow has taken the lead among pedagogical higher education institutions in Poland, and it is also the oldest Pedagogical University in Poland. It is exceptional because of its high prestige, professional education and modernity.
The mission of the Pedagogical University is exercised by professional and experienced teaching staff who apply modern and up to date teaching content. It is also expressed through scientific research, outlining new fields of scientific development, transmitting knowledge, and developing and enriching the personalities of its graduates by educating them according to the highest European standards.
Highschool Martín Aldehuela in Málaga, Spain. Our educational offering covers Secondary Education, Upper Secondary Education and Vocational training in Administrative management and Electronics. Our students come from lower -middle and working classes. There are 700 students, 35% of whom study vocational training. We offer initial vocational training in Administration and Electronics and electricity,and middle vocational training cycles in Administrative management and telecommunication facilities as well as upper-grade vocational training cycles in the same professional fields. We have already faced a new development period for the 21st century, first, with the implementation ofthe DUAL vocational training in the school year 2015-16 and now with the opening of our school to Europe by means of ERASMUS projects.
FabLab München e.V., founded in 2010, is one of the first FabLabs in Germany and run as a non profit organisation. It’s an open workspace for personal manufacturing with machines like 3D printer, laser cutter, CNC milling machines, vinyl cutter and electronics. We also do research projects like Open Hardware Projects (LASER4DIY – Open-Source Laser Structuring for Making PCBs, MakerTools – Open-Source High-Tech-Tools for Maker, Citizen Sensor) and another very important part of our work is our educational workspace, where we guide and work with pupils and teachers of all ages, in class, or on the week-ends and vacations to let them experience new technologies. FabLab Munich is also a recognized provider of free youth welfare since 2020 and partner in several Erasmus+ Projects like Make in Class and Steam-h.
It delivers a competence framework based on ECVET and EQF descriptors that defines different profiles based on the areas identified by partners as relevant for Industry 4.0.
It is a maker-based training path for students in vocational education and training (VET) aimed at supporting the achievement of advanced digital competences in line with the needs of Industry 4.0.
It is a modularised MOOC for a duration of 36-hours. It supports teachers in implementing educational maker-based modules improving VET students’ digital competences.
The training will focus on providing teachers with specific competence on technologies, techniques and processes for implementing maker-based activities at school.
Assindustria Consulting
Parque Tecnológico de Andalucía
University of the National Education Commission, Krakow
FabLab München e.V.
MCAST – The Malta College of Arts, Science & Technology
MakeMyFuture – Improving Digital Competences for Advanced Manufacturing Industries through Maker Education is an Erasmus+ Cooperation partnership in vocational education and training sector.
Project number 2021-1-IT01-KA220-VET-000034613
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